Lunch Program -
We serve BREAKFAST every school day at both buildings in the school cafeterias.
Tipton East: 7:30-7:55
Tipton West: 7:45-8:10
$.30 for students with reduced eligibility
$1.85 for Kdg.-12th grade full pay students
WE serve LUNCH every school day at both buildings in the school cafeterias.
Tipton East: 11:00-12:05
Tipton West: 11:00-12:45
$.40 for students with reduced eligibility
$3.27 for Kdg.-8th grade full pay students
GSRP students are served Breakfast and Lunch in their classrooms.
Tipton Academy Charge Policy
Students are only allowed to carry a $10.00 negative balance. When the $10.00 threshold is reached, the student will not receive a lunch until the balance is paid, or the student brings money to pay for a lunch.
An email, letter, or phone call is generated weekly to notify parents that their child has a negative balance on their account.
To help relieve some financial pressure, families can apply for free and reduced priced meals. Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals for the USDA's School Lunch Program are available in the main school office.
Pick one up, fill it out and return it to the main school office. If you need help completing the application please contact your schools food service department.